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Space News The Village Grill

There are so many reputable and wonderful News Related
web sites, but the one site I find myself returning to
time and time again is

Click Snoopy
to visit my Brother's site

Tacky Wallmark Shield
The Mars Society
MSNBC Front Page

If you want World News, Local News, Sports, Weather,
or Shopping on the Internet,
has it all.

For the latest in Space News,  both fact and fictional go to
A wonderful site to surf for those wanting to travel through space without leaving their chair.

Seti at Home
The Planetary Society
International Space Station
E-Mail DarkStar
S.F. Gate

On my local front, is a site called San Francisco Gate
My sorce for Local and National News.

I am a Space Buff, the Banners in the left margin should give that away.
My hope is more people will get involved in what we are doing in Space today. NASA, the ESA and smaller organizations, like The Planetary Society, and the Mars Society need our support.

Take a minute and get involved.

[DarkStar] [About DarkStar] [Favorites] [  Padalin Prod.] [Onesko]