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Do you feel The Force within you?
Then click on the light saber, you will be taken to The Official
Star Wars
web site. Here  you will learn the latest about the Empire, and the Rebels.

The Mars Society is busy testing ways for a Manned Mission to Mars, and the safe return to Earth. I have been to a couple of lectures by Dr. Robert Zubrin, the founder of The Mars Society . We should listen to him, if we do we could walk on Mars by the year 2010

Seti at Home is using the power of the Internet to search out the first signs of intelligent life outside our own Solar System
If you are interested in possibly being the first person to find such a signal then get involved in the
Seti at Home Project

The Planetary Society founded by the late Carl Sagen promotes Mans exploration of Space. The Planetary Society funded the Mars microphone so we could hear sound for the first time from another world. Unfortunately the Mars Polar Lander was lost, as well as the Mars microphone, so we never had the opportunity to hear sounds from Mars.

The International Space Station, ( ISS ) speaks for its self. This link will give you up to the minute status of the Space Shuttle and The ISS

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