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There are way to many sites that I like, or use often enough to call favorites, so let's start with something that is on the minds of most Californians, Earthquakes.

Click Snoopy
to visit my Brother's site

Tacky Wallmark Shield
The Mars Society
Seti at Home
The Planetary Society
International Space Station
Small Graph

Click on the Seismograph above you will go to
U.C. Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
Here you can find the latest information on Earthquakes, small and large.

Now for some fiction TV, one series has kept me in front of my television for years. One of the best shows ever

The X File

Click on the button above to enter the world of
The X Files

One of my Favorite Links belongs on the Space Page, but since it is one site that I like best, I decided it belonged on my Favorites Page.
This site is called

E-Mail DarkStar

Liftoff allows the user to track several satellites, including,
The International Space Station, The Shuttle, The Mir,
Hubble Telescope, and many more.
One can also find out when and where a satellite
can be viewed from Earth.

NASA Meatball
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